Joanne is a Registered Nurse and qualified Public Health Nurse. Joanne’s career has provided a number of opportunities to develop a solid system-wide and dynamic approach to her leadership.
Joanne has held various positions at individual, community and population level and most recently moved into the charity sector to lead the Foundation of Nursing Studies. FoNS is a UK based charity that positions itself between research and practice, underpinned by theoretical frameworks in person-centred practice. FoNS works with nurses and their teams to establish good workplace cultures which in turn impacts on the experience of care.
Joanne’s particular focus is integrated health and care systems and how nurses and others can influence the quality of life for those in their care and fellow citizens and communities. At this macro level, there is also an opportunity for nursing to position itself across all 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Ambitious and achievable if all actors work together on a shared purpose of a fairer world and a reduction of inequalities.