Dr Chindu Kabir is an experienced Orthopaedic Surgeon with 25 years’ experience in UK NHS and private sector healthcare.
He trained in presBgious hospitals, including University College London Hospitals UCLH, St Marys Hospital, Paddington, London, and Guys & St Thomas Hospital, London. He is an alumnus of Kellogg Business School, North-Western University, Chicago, USA, and Member of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh. Dr Kabir completed his Masters in Business AdministraBon (MBA in Health) from Keele University, UK and has post-graduate educaBon in ArBficial Intelligence and Cyber Security from Oxford University, UK. He works closely with Global Business School for Health, UCL, London UK and the University of Doha Science and Technology, Qatar.
Dr Kabir has published research papers in internaBonal journals and presented
internaBonally for orthopaedic conferences. He is the co-founder and CEO of Post Op, the
surgical follow up AI powered plaYorm that is disrupBng the field of surgical follow up care.